Tuesday, November 15, 2011

100 Reasons Why Evolution is Stupid - Kent Hovind | VizTV

100 Reasons Why Evolution is Stupid - Kent Hovind | VizTV


  1. Oh, BRO!
    That was great, Great, GREAT!

    In fact, I dug that so much it inspired me to post the same video on my own blog!

    I gave you full credit for smartening me up about Kent Hovind - whom I do not recall having previously heard of - and I included links to your blog here, and a recommendation that my readers (all two of 'em) sign up to "Follow" your video blog as well.

    Thanks again, man, that was some very, very entertaining "stuffs"!

    Here's my URL, in case you want to check out what you inspired me to compose:


    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

    1. Sorry for my late reply! Can't wait to check out your blog.

  2. Hey no problem. Sorry for my late reply.
